Clayton Morris Podcast

I'm not sure what the genesis was, but I think my interest in real estate investing began when I starting listening to the Investing in Real Estate podcast. I've long been a fan of Clayton Morris and Natali (Del Conte) Morris and have followed their careers as tech journalists. But for the last few years I've been focused on finding ways to generate passive income. Clayton and Natali are focused on buy and hold real estate investing, and I found it compelling.

I think what drew me in was Clayton's attitude that "we're in this together" – that Natali and Clayton are learning as they move forward in their investing journey. In addition, Clayton is believable because he tells the story of his own financial screwups, debt, and how he is winning despite his own setbacks.

The podcast itself provides valuable information. But, more importantly, it arms the listener with the courage to say "I can do this."
